So, slow progress today. Instead of getting frustrated, I took a break and looked at the Odin Project - seems like another great learning resource - and started going through some of its tutorials/readings to give my brain a rest from Ruby. I tried to talk through some stuff with my spouse, but I sometimes think it's difficult for him to explain things and think through questions like I need him to since he *gets it* and I don't get it yet. I'm going to look at the epicodus Ruby coursework and some other online resources to find out more info on working through these lessons on recursion.
I finished off today by reading some inspirational coding blog posts like these one:
- Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was Learning How to Code
- Don’t Believe Anyone Who Tells You Learning To Code Is Easy
I find it's best for me when I don't get something is to step away and let my brain think about it offline for a little bit. Then, come in fresh and usually I can then understand things clearer.