I continued some exercises on the UWaterloo Computer Science Circles Python Tutorial, but then their website was unresponsive, so I am switching gears and started some video lessons on Epicodus. I'm excited to learn HTML/CSS and hopefully can update my blog to reflect what I learn. I'm not keen on the stock formats!
I installed the recommended text editor Atom instead of Sublime Text, since it is free and recommended by Epicodus.
I went through 5 or so lessons of Epicodus today. I then switched gears and looked at setting up my dev enviro for Ruby on Rails. I looked at the Ruby4kids site, then tried the tryruby short interactive tutorial. I then got frustrated figuring out how to get darn Ruby on my Mac w/OSX Yosemite 10.10. I guess I'm dumb and thought the install would be straight-forward. I finally googled and found some step by step instructions and will hopefully get that set up tomorrow!